IFA Excellence in Feltmaking Award
The Discovering Feltmaking programme is a series of specially-designed online courses created and mentored by the International Feltmakers Association. It gives you as feltmakers, both novice and more experienced, the opportunity to hone your skills in feltmaking.
But for many of you, that’s not quite enough. Wouldn’t it be satisfying to have your hard work validated through physical assessment? To have proof positive that you have achieved a high standard as a feltmaker?
The IFA Excellence in Feltmaking Award is just what you’ve been waiting for.
We invite all Discovering Feltmaking students (past, present or future) to apply for the IFA Excellence in Feltmaking Award. You can apply at any time during your Discovering Feltmaking journey.
So here’s how it works
The Award is made up of 3 modules. These include all the work covered in the Discovering Feltmaking (DF) courses with the addition of some further exploration, and finishing off with a final personal project.
At the end of each module, you submit your work for assessment against the specific criteria supplied when you apply to join the Award scheme. There is a charge for assessment which includes return postage.
If your portfolio is successful, you will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction and receive personal feedback with a Certificate at the end of each module stage.
For more details, click here: How to Participate in the IFA Excellence in Feltmaking Award.
If you are interested in applying for the Award, simply contact the Education Officer and let us know who you are, which DF course(s) you have done and when, so that we know which requirement pack you will need. You must have signed up for at least one course to receive the pack, and modules must be submitted in the correct order for assessment.
Module 1 | Foundation certificate
Module 1 is made up of the work from
- DF1 | Basics
- DF2 | Colour
- DF3 | Surfaces & Edges
Remember: Only purchase your assessment when all work for your module is ready to be assessed
Assessment Module 1
Module 2 | Advanced certificate
Module 2 is made up of the work from
- DF4 | 3D
- DF5 | Nuno
plus further exploration. If your assessment is successful, you will receive written feedback and an Advanced certificate.
Remember: Only purchase your assessment when all work for your module is ready to be assessed
Assessment Module 2
Module 3 | Certificate of Excellence
This is where you can really shine with your own personal project demonstrating all your learning from the previous modules.
Once your assessment is successful, you will receive feedback and an Excellence certificate.
You will be invited to write an article about your Discovering Feltmaking journey for our journal, Felt Matters. Your achievement will also be highlighted on the Award page of the IFA website, and celebrated on our social media channels.