Felt Matters is the journal of the IFA and its members and aspires to share the voice, and works of felt makers throughout the world.
This quality journal is published 4 times per year, in March, June, September and December.
The content and style is largely thanks to the new editor, Moira Simpson, and designer, Caed Parker who continually strive for improvements. They are supported by the editorial team. By focussing on a theme for each issue, we feature some of the best felt artists in their field plus many up and coming felt makers.

Initially produced as a newsletter, it has grown over the years with members contributing articles on many topics from ethnographical felts and traditional skills, to contemporary and experimental feltmaking, the creation of garments, accessories and large-scale installations.
Reports of workshops, symposia and international events regularly appear in the journal, as do reviews of books about feltmaking and related textile techniques. The importance of the IFA’s role to educate and inform is never forgotten, and we strive in the journal to bring you information on best practice from classrooms and community centres across the globe.
Recent issues have shone a spotlight on feltmakers in other countries and explored topics as diverse as photographing felt to indigo dying. The editor welcomes submissions from both members and non-members. Contact the editor with an outline and to receive a copy of the guidelines for contributors. If you wish to buy old issues click here.
Some further information
Felt Matters, which is for members only, is published on 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December and members always receive four copies of the journal each year. In order to allow time for posting, we check to see who is a member (and therefore will receive the next Felt Matters) on the 19th of the preceding month.
Some examples…
Join on 19th February – your first Felt Matters will be March’s issue
Join on 20th February – your first Felt Matters will be June’s issue
Join on 21st May – your first Felt Matters will be September’s issue
The journal accepts advertising from suitable companies and individuals. Contact our Advertising Officer for rates and copy deadlines.